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About 8 months ago (August 2014) spurred on by wanting to try a new sport, to make some new friends, and to reconnect with old friends, I stepped into the sports hall and Into FMRD - Full Metal Roller Derby.

I’ve played rugby for about 8 years. I always say there’s no other sport like it, for comradery, for spirit, for inclusiveness and compassion. Then I found roller derby. I still play rugby when I can, but it’s not unfair to say I have a passion for this new game, no, not a game, this sport. This real, athletic sport.

Before I wobbilly rolled my way through my first session, I hadn’t had wheels on my feet for about 12 years, and even then I had blades, and was hardly a pro! Here I am 24 hours after the after party of FMRDs HertsBreakers first EVER bout and it was for British Champs. The day was fantastic, the jams were hard fought, my team were sensational, and not only that, but the lovely SRD -Suffolk Roller Derby, voted me best jammer. To say I was shocked is an understatement, I definitely looked Round with a degree of disbelief in that “did they really just say my name” kind of way. But yes, they definitely did! I am still rather shocked and so proud of not only myself, but my team. I don’t know how my name ended up there, but I couldn’t have done it without each and everyone of them.

In the last 8ish months, I’ve learnt to quad skate, I’ve learnt a sport I previously knew nothing about (not a thing, I hadn’t even seen Whip It) I’ve made some amazing new friends, I try to encourage the newbs and the less confident and it have fun.

Now we have our second bout to prep for against the Bourne Bombshells and I for one cannot wait!! Just one month away. My personal aims for next time -don’t stack in disbelief IF I manage to get lead jammer, fight for a second pass through the pack, and never, ever give up no matter how many times I get knocked off track/down. I’ve got some work to do, and it starts now.

FMRD are the best decision I made in 2014 and there’s not a single second I’ve regretted my it.

It’s fair to say I ❤️Roller Derby and I 💜💚FMRD.


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learn to skate, join our fresh meat course on the 8th march at lifestyles stevenage

18+ co-ed 7:30pm sg1 1lz

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