The sport of Roller Derby is a full-contact team sport played on quad rollerskates, while skating counter-clockwise on an oval flat track.
It consists of two teams of four defensive players and one jammer – the point scorer. The game begins with the pivots and the blockers (defensive players) skating in front in a tight formation (the pack). The jammers race to pass through the pack once, at which time no points are scored – but a “lead jammer” position can be established.
They continue to race around the track a second time and attempt to pass the pack again. The jammers score one point for each opponent they lap as long as they pass that player in bounds and without penalties. The jammers may continue to race and score points for two minutes or until the lead jammer “calls off the jam” (by putting their hands on theirhips).
Generally, a jammer scores four points each time she makes it through the pack within bounds and five points if he or she laps the other jammer!
Like any sport, Roller Derby has many fine print detailed rules, penalties and strategies! And obviously, the team with the most points at the end of the game wins!