FMRD is a voluntary sports organisation, we are primarily a challenge team. We train in a co-ed environment teaching beginners how to skate working towards WFTDA standard minimum skills.
This year we are focusing on Women’s Championships for our Herts Breakers and recruting more men for our Ironborn Rollers.
Formed in October 2012, Full Metal Roller Derby was started with a vision for a roller derby league encompassing both male, female and mixed sex teams. We are striving to bring the ingrained roller derby community feel back to our own community.

Our core aims are to promote sport in our local areas throughout Hertfordshire, by hosting regular events in Stevenage to showcase our teams, and also opening our doors to new members regularly.
We are skilled at taking people who have no skating, no athletic or sporty background and of all shapes and sizes. Our experienced coaches are very much looking forward to bringing in skaters of all abilities and nurturing their inner Roller Derby Player.
We would welcome anyone who would like further information to come and pay us a visit - check out the New Recruits page for more info.