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Guest Post - Frank 'N' Hurt Her

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In this week's guest blog, Frank 'N' Hurt Her talks about why she first took up derby and the struggles of balancing life on and off track...

When I first started out at FMRD I was a college student with no job and being able to show up for roller derby wasn't much of a problem. I started out as the quiet little one who would tuck themselves in a corner and not really say much. I was coming out of what had been a very rocky road the year before and roller derby was going to be the thing that helped. I wanted to gain self confidence again and have something I could do for myself. You're no longer who you are while you're at home or work, you are you on skates, being awesome. I like to think that when I'm at home or work I'm just plain old Sarah but at training I'm not Sarah - I'm Frankie, the crazy person on skates having fun and enjoying the freedom of skating.

There wasn’t a lot of practice that I could fit in because of college assignments and work getting in the way. There are a lot of things that can make it harder for you to be able to make it to every session - be it family occasions, illnesses or work, you always seem to have something in the way. I've had to deal with these many times, and being a sufferer of migraines I sometimes found I wouldn't be able to get myself to training. When I moved into a job [S1] at first I managed to be able to work my job around training. However now I work full time it's harder, I've been thrown into situations where we've had people leave leaving us understaffed and all of us having to cover the shifts. This means working a lot harder and having no more time for roller derby.

Finding the balance for life/roller derby/work is very difficult. It seems a lot of the time I never have time to do something for myself; however, there is always a point where things will calm down and I'll be able to return more often and train hard again. I've managed to fit in occasional training time by making a deal with my boss about hours and fitting them around training…some bosses can be more understanding than others.

To anyone who's struggling with the balance all I can really say is things will calm down eventually, but make sure you get your training time. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say roller derby is the escape from reality.

- Frank 'N' Hurt Her, #75

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